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A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect. |
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Tackle. Distasteful food or drink.
"I calls this here claret wine about the poorest tackle ever I taasted."
Tag, e. A sheep of the first year.
Tail-wheat, m. The inferior grain which is left after the corn has been winnowed.
Takeners, m. Persons taken to learn a trade; young men employed in fishing boats at Brighton.
Talk Thin. To talk in a low voice.
"He talk so thin that no-one can't scarcely hear what he says."
Talwood, w [Tattler, French, to cut.] Wood cleft and cut into billets for firing.
Tan-flawing. Taking the bark off trees, the bark itself being called tan.
"If I can get a job of tan-flawing I shall make out very well."
Tavort. Half a bushel. (See Tovet.)
Tawer. [Tawian, Ang. Sax., to prepare hides.] A fellmonger; a leather dresser.
Team, w. [Teman, Ang. Sax., to propagate.] A litter, or a number of young beasts of any kind.
"I have got a nice team of young pigs here."
Ted, m. To spread hay; to shake out the new mown grass.
Teddious. Fretful; difficult to please.
Tedious. Excessive; very.
"I never did see such tedious bad stuff in all my life."
Tell. [Tellan, Ang. Sax., to count.] To count.
"Otherwhiles I be forced to tell the ship over six and seven times before I can get 'em right."
Teller, m; or Tillow, w. [Telgor, Ang. Sax., a branch.] A young oak tree.
Tempersome. Hasty-tempered.
Tempest. When the wind blows roughly it is said to tempest.
"It tempestes so as we're troubled to pitch the hay upon to the stack anyhows in the wurreld."
Tempesty, w. A gale of wind. |