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122 A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect. |
Tilth, m. [Tilth, Ang. Sax., culture.] The condition of arable
" He's a man as always keeps his ground in good tilth."
Tillow, w. (See Teller.)
Time of Day, m. "To pass the time of day" is to greet a person passing on the road.
"I doant know any more of him than just to pass the time o' day."
Timmersome, e. Timid.
A boy, who recently stated as a valid reason for not attending evening school that he was afraid that the pharisees would interrupt him on his way home, was excused by his mother on the ground that he was "that timmersome that he couldn't abear to go out after dark."
Tinker, w. To mend anything clumsily.
Tipped, m. Pointed.
Tip-teerers, w. Mummers who go round performing a sort of short play at Christmas time. (See appendix.)
Tip-tongued. To talk tip-tongued is to talk in an affected manner.
"She talks so tip-tongued and gives herself such airs."
Tire. Flax for spinning. (Probably obsolete, but frequently found in old parochial accounts).
Tissick, m. A tickling, faint cough.
"Punch cures the gout, the cholic and the phthisic, And it is agreed to be the very best of physic."
—Old Song.
Tiver, w. Red ochre used for marking sheep.
To-and-agin, m. Backwards and forwards. "She doddles to-and-agin."
Token, e. A present.
"My lad's brought me such a nice token from Rye."
Token, m. An apparition.
A woman who had asked me to write to the War Office for tidings of her son, whose regiment was in India, came to me a few days afterwards to say that she was sorry she had given me so much trouble, as it was no use to make any enquiries about her son for he was dead, and she knew it because she had seen his token, which had walked across the field before her and finally disappeared over the stile. |