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A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect. |
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Treft, w. A trivet.
Trencher. [Trancher, French, to cut off.] A wooden plate on which to cut up meat or bread.
Trencherman, m. A feeder.
A good trencherman is a hearty eater.
" He's a very valiant trencherman, he hath an excellent stomach."
—Much Ado About Nothing, Act i. sc. I.
Tressles. The dung of sheep or rabbits.
Trig, w. To place anything behind a wheel to prevent a carriage from slipping back on a hill.
Tripet, w. A wicket gate.
Truck. Rubbish; odds and ends.
"There's too much truck about the floor for the house ever to look tidy."
Trug. [Trog, Ang. Sax., trough.] A strong basket made of split wood, used for gardening.
Trull. [Corruption of Trundle.] To bowl a hoop.
Trundle-bed, w. A low bed on small castors, trundled under another in the day time.
Trunk, e. To under-drain land.
Trussing-bedstead, w. [Truss, Old English, to pack up.] A camp bedstead which can be packed for travelling.
Trut. A hassock or footstool.
Tuck. A pinafore worn by children.
Tuck-apron, m. A long apron which is fastened round the neck and waist.
Tuck-shell.* A tusk.
Tug. A carriage for conveying timber.
Tugs. Iron chains which fit into the hames and shafts.
Tumble-down Gate, m. A gate on a towing-path so constructed that horses may pass over it while one end is pressed down. It recovers its position through being weighted at the opposite point.
Tunnell, w. A funnel.
Turmut, m. [Corruption of Turnip.]
"'Twas the worst year ever I knowed for a job of turmut-hoeing, for there warn't no turmuts for anyone to hoe."
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