A Dictionary Of The Sussex Dialect - online book

A Collection Of Provincialisms In Use In The County Of Sussex.

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142                     A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect.
Brookshaw. Brook, a water-meadow, and shaw, a wood. Burtenshaw. Barton (bere-tun), a homestead, and shaw, a
wood. Butterwick. Butter, and wick, marsh-land. Bytham. (By the ham). Ham, a dwelling. Callow. [Calo, Ang. Sax., bald.] Smooth. Cockinge. Ing (Ang. Sax.), a son.
Comber. Coombe, or Combe (Ang. Sax.), a valley in the downs. Comper. Comp (Ang. Sax.), a valley. Copley. Cop, a ridge, and ley, a meadow. Crocker. Crock [crocca, Ang. Sax.), an earthen vessel. Croft. Croft (Ang. Sax.), a piece of pasture land near a house. Crowhurst. Crow, and hurst, a wood. Dyke. Dike (Ang. Sax., die), a ditch.
Etheridge. Ether (Ang. Sax., ether), a pliant rod, and hedge. Feldwick. Feld, ox field, and wick, a town. Felstead. Feld, ox field, and stead, a place. Gilham. Gill, a rivulet, and ham, a dwelling.
Grist. Grist/, a grinding; a week's allowance of flour for a family.
Haslehurst. Hasel, and hurst, a wood.
Hatch. A gate. In North of England, a heck.
Hayley. Hay, and ley, a meadow.
Hayward. A hedge-warden; an officer of the lord of the manor.
Headland. A part of a field.
Heathcote. Heath, and cote, or cot, a cottage.
Henty. Hen, and tye, a common.
Hide. [Hyd, Ang. Sax.] As much land as could be tilled with one plough.
Hockham. [Hoh, Ang. Sax., a heel, and ham, a meadow.]
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