A Dictionary Of The Sussex Dialect - online book

A Collection Of Provincialisms In Use In The County Of Sussex.

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Sussex Surnames.                                    143
Hockley. [Hoh and leag, Ang. Sax.] Both these words mean a field of a certain shape. (See Hocklands.)
Holt. [Holt, Ang. Sax., a grove.] A small plantation.
Holthouse. Holt and house.
(See Hockham.)
Huckwell. Huck, to knock, or to spread anything about.
Hurst. A wood.
Hyde. (See Hide.)
Ings. [Ing, Ang. Sax.] A common pasture.
Kelk. Kilk, or charlock.
Kittle. Kiddle, delicate; ticklish.
Lade. Part of a wagon.
Langley. Long and ley, a meadow.
Langridge. Long and ridge.
Langshaw. Long and shaw, a wood.
Langton. Long and ton, an enclosed place.
Leag, a meadow.
Lingham. Ling, a heath, and ham, an enclosure.
Longbottom. Long, and bottom, a valley in the downs (the long valley).
Longhurst. The long wood.
Longley. The long meadow. (See Langley.)
Meeres. Mere, a marsh.
Napper. Napery, linen.
Peart. Lively.
Peck. An agricultural implement.
Pelling. Pell, a pool, and ing, a pasture.
Ravenscroft. Raven, and croft, a field.
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