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Development of Tunbridge Wells
shall doe better to come thither afoote, than to ride, because so they shall heate their bodies more. Yet doe I not intend they should be so hot, as to sweate, or to be readie to sweate, for that would doe hurt, but I meane onely that their naturall heate should be something awaked or excited, because then the water will be the better attracted, and have the more speedie passage." Rowzee may have been well advised in dwelling on these particulars; but it is difficult to believe that he was right in scoffing at the quantities prescribed to drinkers by other doctors, and advising his readers to imbibe the enormous quantities mentioned in the following passage, albeit he qualified his directions, by stating that due regard must be paid to the age, sex, and strength of the patient. " Now for the whole quantitie of the water to be taken in one morning, you shall see some that arise to a great quantitie . . . three hundred ounces, according to Nestor's yeares; yea, and some a smaller quantitie," thus he expressed himself on the subject. " And it is a thing, that will make the very women there filling the glasses to laugh, to see some patients sent thither by ignorant Physicians, and appointed to take ten or twelve o 33 |