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Development of Tunbridge Wells
each other, a mile and a half all around the Wells, where the company meet in the morning : this place consisted of a long walk, shaded by spreading trees, under which they walk while they are drinking the waters : on one side of this walk is a long row of shops, plentifully stocked with all manner of toys, lace, gloves, stockings, and where there is raffling, as at Paris, in the Foire de Saint Germain : on the other side of the walk is the market, and, as it is the custom here for every person to buy their own provisions, care is taken that nothing offensive appears on the stalls. Here, young, fair, fresh-coloured country girls, with clean linens, small straw hats, and neat shoes and stockings, sell game, vegetables, flowers, and fruit; here one may live as well as one pleases : here is, likewise, deep play, and no want of amorous intrigues. As soon as the evening comes, every one quits his little palace to assemble on the bowling-green* where, in the open air, those who choose dance upon a turf more soft and smooth than the finest carpet in the world." l
The Due de Cominges, the French Ambassador at the Court of St. James's, went with
1 Memoirs of Count Grammont (Bohn's edition), 268.
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