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Royal Tunbridge Wells
Logan's picture has been supplemented by an admirable fancy-sketch from the pen of Thacke­ray, who in The Virginians sends Harry Warrington and Colonel Wolfe to " The Wells " to meet, among others, Lord March—not yet the " degenerate Douglas " of Wordsworth's scathing verses.
" There was, indeed, a great variety of characters who passed. M. Poellnitz, no finer dressed than he had been at dinner, grinned, and saluted with his great laced hat and tarnished feathers. Then came by my Lord Chesterfield, in a pearl-coloured suit, with his blue ribbon and star, and saluted the young men in his turn.
" ' I will back the old boy for taking his hat off against the whole Kingdom, and France either,' says my Lord March. ' He has never changed the shape of that hat of his for twenty years. Look at it. There it goes again t Do you see that great, big, awkward, pock­marked, snuff-coloured man, who hardly
touches his clumsy beaver in reply. D-----
his impudence—do you know who that is ? '
" ' No, curse him ! Who is it, March ? ' asks Jack Morris, with an oath.
" ' It's one Johnson, a Dictionary-maker, 102
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