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In the Eighteenth Century
the happiness that as a husband I could enjoy, and I had seen my eldest daughter Elizabeth married to one of the best and most amiable of men [Lord Edward Bentinck]."
Cumberland, though he had gone compul-sorily into retirement, did not by any means become a recluse. " Fortunate as I accounted myself in my location at Tunbridge Wells, and gratified by the kindness and good will of the people," he wrote, " I was not contented to reside in idleness amongst them, but in everything that concerned their interests, to the best of my power took an active part, and I flatter myself that some opportunities occurred when my zeal was not without effect." He had been a captain of infantry in 1747, being in 1806, when he wrote his autobiography, " perhaps at this time the most aged field officer of volunteers in the kingdom"; and when he settled at " The Wells," which was the head-quarters of one troop of cavalry and four of volunteer infantry, he took up a command during the war, and enrolled a company. What he most prided himself upon, however, was securing the ministry of the Chapel of Ease for that excellent clergyman, the Rev. Martin Benson.
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