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In the Eighteenth Century
to it; he assumed an immense dignity; lost his head; went mad; and died in the workhouse.
Another notorious person was Mrs. Sarah Porter, " Queen of the Touters," who died about 1762. When Nash first came to Tun-bridge Wells, he brought this singular woman with him to collect the subscriptions of the company. " There was not a person of the least rank or credit she let escape," a contemporary has described her; "she pretended to know the fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts, and every relation of any persons of distinction; had a shrewd memory, and could recollect or forget whatever was for her interest; used to stand at the ball-room door, and make some thousand curtseys in a day; had not the least faith or inclination to trust; and if any individual did not immediately subscribe to her, she would take her book, pen, and ink, in her hand, and follow them all round the room when it was full of company, which made many of them often very angry; but rating, swearing at her, or any other severe method, was never known to put her out of humour, or make her uncivil to the company. The young folks would often teize her by calling to her, and letting her know there were two or three gentlemen, who they
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