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Beau Nash at Tunbridge Wells
Dr. Johnson's story. " Sir," he said to Bos-well, " I honour Derrick for his presence of mind. One night when Floyd, another poor author, was wandering about the streets in the night, he found Derrick fast asleep upon a bulk; upon being suddenly waked, Derrick started up. ' My dear Floyd, I am sorry to see you in this destitute state; will you come home with me to my lodgings f' " Derrick did, indeed, have a very bad time. Asked where he lived on one occasion, " Live! " he cried, " I don't live anywhere—but I starve in a garret at a chandler's shop by the side of Fleet market." Brighter days, however, were in store for him. Publishers entrusted him with the translation of French and Latin works, and Johnson employed him to collect documents for his biography of Dryden. The Doctor had a liking for him, but was not an admirer of his work. When asked whether Derrick or Christopher Smart was the better poet, the great man replied that there was " no settling the point of precedency between a louse and a flea "; but against this may be set his comment on Derrick's Letters written from Liver-poole, Chester, Corke, the Lake of Killarney, Tunbridge Wells [and] Bath, " Sir, I have often said,
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