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Royal Tunbridge Wells
and Tunbridge Wells looks, from the window I now sit by, a little like the village you see from our terrace at Sandleford, only that the inhabitants, instead of Jack and Joan, are my Lord and Lady. The edifices they inhabit are not much greater, nor perhaps is there more pleasure or content among the great and rich who have bad nerves, than with the healthful and laborious peasant.
Mrs. Montagu to Mrs. Robinson.1
Tunbridge Wells,
Friday, 10th of May [1750].
It was a week yesterday since I came hither. We have had but rough and un­pleasant weather, and I dwell on an Eminence, and ride on the Whirlwind tho' I do not direct the Storm. However, we have a Stone House which is warmer than the common wooden buildings at this place, and I am really much at home, have a large house to our selves, and have only our own Servants. . . . There has not been much company at Tunbridge this Season, and there seems not to be a spirit of gayety among them. The Dutchess of Norfolk has
1 From the original letter (hitherto unpublished) in the possession of A. M. Broadley, Esq.
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