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Royal Tunbridge Wells
penny. We have a set of players down with us the vilest of all miserables, who meet with no encouragement but from the affable, beauti­ful Countess of Tyrconnel, who kindly bespeaks a play now and then to keep them from starv­ing. The assemblies, however, make up for this, for on the last night there were seventy-two coaches at the door. Among the company now down are the Dukes of Leeds and Dorset, Earl Tyrconnel and Lady, Lord Mountmorris, Sir John Seabright, Sir Thomas Wilson, &c, &c.
George Selwyn to Lord Carlisle.
Almack's, 26 July, 1774.
Tunbridge is, in my opinion, for a little time in the summer, with a family, and for people who do not find a great deal of occupa­tion at their country house, one of the prettiest places in the world. The houses are so many bijouzs made up for the occasion, so near the place, so agreste, and the whole an air of such simplicity, that I am delighted with it, as much as when my amusements were, as they were formerly, at the Rooms and upon the Pantiles, which are now to me detestable. 226
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