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Eighteenth Century Post-Bag
Lord Loughborough1 to Mr. Eden.2
Bath, 6th Sept. 1786.
It has been a great mortification to me to be obliged to pass so much time at Tunbridge neither amused nor employed, tho' I have the satisfaction to find that the waters have been of great service to Ly. L. Ld. Mansfield I am afraid will not do equal credit to them this year, their powers as to him become less effectual every season. Very few of your acquaintance or of mine have been at Tunbridge this year and the place has been altogether uninteresting.
Lady Jerningham to her daughter, Lady Bedingfleld.
Friday, June 18 [1802].
What is called the season here began yesterday, and makes the place pleasanter. It Consists in having musick for an Hour, three times a day, on the Pantiles to facilitate the digestion of the water; from nine till ten in
1 Alexander Wedderburn, afterwards first Earl of Rosslyn.
2 From the original letter (hitherto unpublished) in the possession of A. M. Broadley, Esq.
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