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A Day at Tunbridge Wells
bridge Wells. "These verses (jeux d'esprits) are various and occasional, but chiefly com­plimentary to the ladies in general, or to some particular fair one. A copy of them is usually left at the bookseller's shop, and entered in a book there for inspection and entertainment of the company. This poetical pastime, when confined within the bounds of decorum and politeness, is very pleasing and agreeable, and is always supposed to be exempt of criticism." It is as well that criticism was uncalled for, because it would have been hard put to it to be courteous: as Addison remarked, " The water poets are an innocent race, and deserve all the encouragement I can give them. It would be barbarous to treat these authors with bitterness, who never write out of season, and whose words are useful with the waters." After this kindly comment, it is sad to have to read in Tunbridgiala; or, Tunbridge Mis­cellanies for the year 1730, the following lines, " Occasion'd by seeing two Subscriptions want­ing to fill up a Raffle for Addison's Works—
" Ye ever heedless Beaus and Belles, Who gayly rove at Tunbridge Wells With Pockets full, and vacant Looks, Raffling for every Toy,—but Books :
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