People, Society & Culture of Tunbridge Wells in the 18th Century & later.

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Royal Tunbridge Wells
" There's no Man that's not of Schismatical Crew, But when he's at Rome, will do as they do; Therefore when I came hither, I propos'd to take A Pattern from others, and not for to make Any Rules for my self. I paid all my Fees, And when I'd done that, was wholly at Ease. I took a Purge, my Kettle to scower, And then drank the Waters at a Regular Hour. I began with one Glass, and soon got to five, Which made me so perfectly fresh and alive, That I danc'd, sung and raffled, drank Coffee and Tea, And from Morning to Night was as brisk as a Bee. I chose me a Mistress of Wit and Condition, To whom I presented the following Petition.
4 Pray, Madam, be kind to a Heart full of Love, ' As an Egg full of Meat. My Passion's above Any Art to describe. No one knows what I feel, From the Crown of my Head, quite down to my
Heel. Your Eyes are like Suns, your Lips are like Rubies, And those that say otherwise, are a Parcel of
Boobies. Dear Chloe, take Pity, and let me not die, Never any Man loved you better than I.' But she heard not my Prayer, and gives me no Look, And such sort of Treatment no Mortal can brook; I'm forc'd then to leave her, and to flee from the
Place, And hope you'll bemoan my pitiful Case."
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