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Appendix |
Which shows he must be wise for certain,
For Fools we know have always Fortune.
Sometimes he Curs'd, then pray'd the Dame;
But to his Aid she never came.
As Sailers tumbling in bad Weather,
Mix always Oaths and Pray'rs together :
Still on he play'd, till burly Doc,
The fretting angry Knight had broke,
Who bit his Thumbs, and went away,
Cursing th' ill Fortune of the day :
Thus Gamsters when their Hopes are crost,
And all their ready Cash is lost,
Have no way left to ease their mind,
But belch their Passions to the Wind.
Altho' the Knight does disappear,
The whole Transaction ends not here,
For, lo, there quickly follow'd after,
A Tragick Comedy worth laughter :
Doc, the great Patron of the Place,
B'ing proudly flushed with his Success,
Reflected, being a Man well mettled,
Upon the absent Knight he'd nettled,
Who, by good Fortune, he had broken,
And homewards sent without a Token;
Yet suffer'd his unthankful mouth,
To Scandalize him with the Truth,
And all Men know a true Reflection
Sticks close, and is the worst Detraction :
These Words he spoke, which some may judge,
Arose from some old Peek or Grudge :
But others think, to mend the matter,
Rather from Folly, or Ill-nature,
Says he, the Bragadocia Knight,
To pay his Debts would do more right,
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