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The thumping Gift methinks was fitter,
For him that has deserved it better :
But, after all, I hope my Master,
Remembers what deserves a Plaister.
Thus the poor Suff'rer kept a mumbling,
But few had time to mind his grumbling,
The Company b'ing most engag'd,
To pacify the Two enrag'd;
Who after many bitter Words,
And mutual Offers at their Swords,
By Friends on both sides interceding,
Both Hero's sav'd themselves from Bleeding;
Like Christians did their Passions smother,
And Friendship vow'd to one another :
So Lovers when they once fall out,
And at each other snarl and pout;
When once their Gall and Passion's o'er,
Love ten times better than before.
But notwithstanding these were friends,
A further danger still attends,
For Murder, or at least Man-slaughter,
Was likely to have prov'd hereafter,
Between Sir Harry so misus'd,
And Doc that had his Fame abus'd,
And that they both were Men of Honour,
I'll show you in the following manner.
Next Morning when the Sun shone bright, And was at least five hours height, When the Well-Walks were full they knew, Of Ladies, Lords, and God knows who; The Combatants amongst the rest Were met, tho' some do think in Jest;
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