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And in his Banter often jossles Juglers together with Apostles; Upbraids 'em with their Boats and Nets, And calls the holy Martyrs Cheats; No diff'rence makes 'twixt Good and Evil, But ranks together Saint and Devil; Fancies Earth, Heav'n and all Mankind, Blow'd into Form by some strange Wind, And that each distant glorious Light, That makes the Day, and Rules the Night Are but Reflections, f'r ought we know, Of Links and Flamboys here below: Rare Theory had it learned Legs, 'Twould addle sure all B—r—t's Eggs, And prove by new Philosophic, The World could not Ovip'rous be.
The Chapel Clark in humble manner, Came one day to entreat his Honour, Like others of the Congregation, To give the Priest some small Donation : The Beau to show his Wit was great, Reply'd, My Friend, thou'rt come too late ; Tve been so wicked, that I know, My SouVs Convicted long ago, Therefore no Coin shall I disburss'd, To save a Soul already Curss'd, So farewel thou blaspheming Tony, Who damn'd thy self to save thy Mony.
Beau.......... of a Pigmy Race,
Must next my Muses Song disgrace; That little Hop upon my Thumb,
That low unmanlike human Creature,
At biggest but of Babboon stature :
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