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A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect. |
Druv. Driven. "I wunt be druv" is a favourite maxim with Sussex people.
Drythe. [Drugath, Ang. Sax.] Drought.
"Drythe never yet bred dearth." —Sussex Proverb.
Dubby, e. Short; blunt.
"I be dubersome whether she'll ever make a needlewoman, her fingers be so dubby."
Dubersome, m. Doubtful. This Anglo-Saxon form of termination is not uncommon in Sussex; we find it in timersome for timid, wearisome, and other words.
Duff. This word, which is evidently only a variation of dough, is used for a pudding made with no other ingredients but flour and water; sometimes called hard dick.
Duffer, e. A pedlar. This word is applied only to a hawker of women's clothes.
Dumbledore, w. The humble bee. Dunch, w. Deaf; slow of comprehension.
Dung-cart Raves, w. A frame-work fitted on to a cart to accommodate an extra load.
Dunnamany, m. I do not know how many.
"There was a dunnamany people come to see that gurt hog of mine when she was took bad, and they all guv it in as she was took with the information. We did all as ever we could for her. There was a bottle of stuff" what I had from the doctor, time my leg was so bad, and we took and mixed it in with some milk and give it her lew warm, but naun as we could give her didn't seem to do her any good."
Dunnamuch, m. I do not know how much.
" She cost me a dunnamuch for sharps and pollard and one thing and t'other."
Dup, e. To walk quickly.
"You was dupping along so, I knew you was late."
Dutch Cousins, e. Great friends. This expression is only used along the coast.
"Yes, he and I were reg'lar Dutch cousins; I feels quite lost without him."
Dwairs, w. Strong cross-bars in the floor of a waggon. The one in the centre is called the fore-dwair, the one at the back, the hind-dwair. They are also called the cuts. |